
1,152 days

The Longest Sea Voyage in History

"Isolation is not something to survive. It is a gift, an opportunity to evolve." - Reid Stowe

Seafaring was man’s first venturing off of the earth. Seafaring, and even a short stint on the sea in a relatively small sailboat, can teach many things to future space travelers that will prepare them better, both psychologically and spiritually, for the rigors of a long mission to Mars and beyond.

In 2010, Reid Stowe completed 1,152 days non stop at sea without re-supply out of sight of land, on an 85 foot Gaff Rig schooner that he had built himself. He departed the touch of the land far longer than any previous human, thereby leading the evolution of humanity off of the earth to become a multi-planet species. With this powerful experience, Stowe has developed mind-body techniques and has carried out several pilot analog space missions at sea that are closely analogous to the environmental conditions and demands to be expected in long-duration space travel: a small group of multinational men and women isolated in tight living quarters in a high performance life and death environment.

The Mars Ocean Analogs® was founded by Reid Stowe for this exact purpose: to prepare and select qualified Mars astronauts for the inevitable challenges of long-duration space travel as a mission-critical imperative. We believe that humans are the weak link in the Mars Mission. Future Mars astronauts should be vetted and trained in the harsh demands, the all-to-real life and death decision-making, the profound respect for the natural world and the teamwork and camaraderie one must master in successful seafaring adventures. Such experiences at sea most closely resemble that of long duration space travelers.

We have developed an action program at sea to strengthen astronauts’ minds and bodies, based upon the unprecedented success of The Longest Sea Voyage in History, also known as The Mars Ocean Odyssey. Training at sea provides a new perspective and a realistic set of challenges and preparations for future Mars missions, and our unique mind and body training program at sea closes a critical gap in studying and determining the readiness of aspiring astronauts.

The Schooner Anne arriving at the Space X launching pad in Boca Chica, TX.
Stowe and a Mars Ocean Analog crew at sea.


Reid Stowe - Founder/CEO, Board President
Dennis Chamberland - Development Director, Senior Life Sciences Engineer (formerly at NASA)
John Hoover - Managing Director, Board Treasurer (Formerly at Lockheed Martin)
Fred Sullivan - Executive Director
Maxine Hoover - Communications Director, Board Secretary
Gerard Dailey - Development Director, Marine Engineer
Jennifer Liu - Deputy Director

What Others Are Saying

“Above all stressors. . . the durations of the missions will impose the greatest burdens and extract the the most severe tolls on the humans involved.”

    Jack Stuster, Behavioral Scientist

“If any official scientist or engineer really wants to know what is outside the frame of any textbook or theory, if they really want to know what it will be like to isolate themselves for more than three years, all they have to do is ask Reid. Of all the seven billion people of planet earth – he alone knows. He has been there and returned – no one else has that experience on earth.”

Dennis Chamberland, Retired NASA Engineer, Aquanaut and Author

“Little information exists on small teams working in isolated environments for periods greater than a year. Your proposed project offers an opportunity to observe the interactions of a team in isolation over a 1000 day period of time.”

William Smith, NASA/ Director, Exploration Technology 1991

“Today is a time of uncertainty, and even those who choose not to go to the physical extremes that you have chosen can take heart in your demonstration of how to thrive despite unbelievable obstacles.”

Edna Fiedler, PH.D, National Science Biomedical Research Institute

“If we are to ever to set sail for the stars, it is the mind of Reid Stowe that those astronauts will need to consult.”

Carter Emmart, Director of Astro visualization, Hayden Planetarium